A message from District Governor Judith Goodchild
60 years of lionism in the British Isles and Ireland and 45 years of lionism in district 105D.
It's time to change and make a fresh start at Convention! We have started this by moving to Wokefield Park, set in the beautiful Berkshire countryside. It has a versatile, ultra modern, purpose built Executive centre and offers superb facilities for holding our AGM . All the business sessions and the Friday Host night will be held in this building.
I intend to make the AGM as short as possible whilst allowing any debate that you, as Lions, feel you need. The opening ceremony will retain many of the traditional features but it will be streamlined. There will be presentations on topics that are of interest to Lions and a keynote speaker.
The main change is that there will be workshops for part of the day and these will be run by excellent facilitators and will be interactive. Here you will be able to learn, make your views felt and meet the relevant District Officers.
I will also make the presentation to the winners of the District Competitions more interesting and exciting!
Convention is not just about the AGM but is a great chance to enjoy yourselves, renew friendships and make new ones. The Lions Club of Fleet are endeavouring to make this an exceptional weekend with a great host night where fancy dress is very much an option. On Saturday night we move across to the traditional and regal Mansion House for our Banquet and Ball. This building has been refurbished recently and we are promised superb service. Speeches will be kept to a minimum so that there will be plenty of time to dance and chance your luck at the casino.
My International Guest will be Dr Patti Hill from Edmonton, Canada. Patti retired from the International Board of Directors in June 2009 after serving a two year term and I hope you will all make her feel really welcome here in 105D. To read more about her achievements in Lionism, Click here.
I am working closely with the Lions of Fleet and I know that we will provide a Convention to remember. See you all at Wokefield Park in March 2010
Judith Goodchild, District Governor 105D 2009-2010